We all have something to say or advertise about. Whether it be an Etsy shop, your contact info for your co-workers or even just a mommy card to pass out to the other moms so you can make a play date. Whatever the reason may be, having your information readily available on business cards is never a bad thing. You can keep them in your wallet and pass them out to whoever. The babysitter, the soccer coach, or the person who notices that purse you made. Who's a good company to print
business cards?
Well, are you familiar with PrintRunner? They are an online printing company that offers business card services along with many other promotional services.
business cards?
Well, are you familiar with PrintRunner? They are an online printing company that offers business card services along with many other promotional services.
Here's your chance to try them out for free. PrintRunner is offering one lucky reader 250 business cards. Here are the details to the prize:
Business Cards
- Business Card Size and Style Business Cards: 2x3.5 (Standard)
- Quantity: 250
- Colors: 4/4 Color Both Sides
- Paper: 14 pt. UV Coating on Front, 14 pt. UV Coating on both sides,
- Proof: NONE
- Rounded Corners: NO
- *Giveaway is open to US Residents only, ages 18 years old and above.
So use the rafflecopter below and I wish you luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I'd like to thank PrintRunner for providing this giveaway and for the host appreciation prize of 250 business cards. The opinions in this post are 100% my own and may differ from yours.
I'd love to have some business cards for my friend's new business....
I would have business cards for my crafts.
Les Johnson
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