Back when I was a child, we had family friends who would come over sometimes. The children could hear, but the parents were deaf, and so much of what they said was lost to us. The kids did great at interpreting, but it was a burden on the kids to have to be there all day with the parents so that they could be understood by non-signers. And it was awkward for us too because we felt hopeless to follow along.
I always loved the idea of teaching my kids sign language. But how do you properly teach your kids to sign when you yourself are a beginner? I have seen my share of printouts and books, and they are great, but can be confusing. I started to try to learn, but quickly realized that I could be completely misconstruing all of the arrows I was being shown.
So when I saw Signing Time Kids! was looking for people to try out their videos and share opinions, I just knew I had to try it out. It's hard to misunderstand how it's done when you are watching it in action. So I started up the first video and settled in for some learning.
The very first thing that caught my attention was the adorable baby giggle at the beginning. How do you even get a baby giggle that cute on a recording to begin with!? I mean, you HAVE to hear it. But after that initial awe of cuteness, the next thing I noticed was that this lady was super fun to watch. She interacts in a really exciting way for kids to grab their attention and keep you watching.
My niece was over when I was watching the video. For laughs, I asked her to do the sign for "more". And she did it!!! It was so easy for her to do, this was gonna be so simple! Is it possible that I could teach the children I love to be signers so that they can interact more efficiently with the hearing impaired? I think I could!
Next we tried the sign for "Mom" and for "Grandpa", and you know what? This little girl, all of barely two years old, could do it and KNEW what it meant after just a few tries. I was so impressed. But that's not all. It has been hours after watching the videos, and I could sign every single sign that she taught on the video. It's amazing, I feel like I am almost a fluent signer, lol. Okay, not really... but if I had more videos, I would be in no time.
Here's a snippet of one of the videos so that you can see what I mean.
Do you sign? Have you ever thought of learning?
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