Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Looking for a fun time with the kids?

Even though this summer has been extremely busy this year, we have been lacking on great family time. Most of you know this but I have all boys in the home and they love to do sports or anything energetic really. One thing that my brothers and I did with the neighborhood kids was laser tag. We would have full out man hunts in our back yard and we would always have a blast.
They have brought back laser tag but it's a little different and it's not the same set up with our boys as it was back then. For the big milestone birthdays we like to bring our boys out and do something really fun. Both the older two have had one but now I youngest one is getting ready to turn 5. He is a boy through and through and loves to play with his brothers... especially when it comes to sporty things.

While looking online for ideas, I came across the Laser Park in Princeton Junction, New Jersey using . I was going over the details of how much it would cost and even though I wish the party would be longer, the over all pricing was not bad and they allow walk ins.

If you live in or around Jersey, this looks like a great place to go and visit. You can also find plenty to do for adults. Just go to and select the category of events you are looking for.... such as kid friendly, dining, dancing etc.The site is very simple to use and is a great hot spot for activities. 


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