Remember me telling you about the Dew Crew back in August? I told you how the first 200 people that shared the news about the crew on Facebook, Twitter or their blog would get a pit kit. Well mine just arrived! It came with a Diet Mtn. Dew / Dale Jr. bag, a Dale Jr. coozie, a sticker to show off that I am a member of the Dew Crew, a dark berry mountain dew (limited time only), a hat and a $25 Wells Fargo gift card!
I know one little boy that is going to love some of this swag. Our nephew is a big fan, in fact here he is dress up as Dale Jr. for Halloween this year.
Would you like to get some swag too? Join the Dew Crew! You get all sorts of fun things and earn points for doing different tasks. Trade in those points for more great stuff! To join just click the image below.

I received this Pit Kit for joining the Dew Crew. I was not paid to put to post this article. Just showing off the swag and trying to spread the word to join :)
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