Children Learning Reading is a super simple and effective, step-by-step program that helps parents teach their children how to read. We have numerous videos posted on our website showing the amazing progress of many children.
It takes about 10-15 minutes a day and can be used with children as early as 2 or 3 years old. Here are some benefits that parents have experienced. You can find these and more information at the Children Learniing Reading site.
It was rewarding and endearing to see the fantastic reading progress made by their children.
Their children had developed a mastery over print, and were developing a very respectable vocabulary base.
The children acquired a real love of reading and learning.
Through the teaching process, the parents themselves had developed a deeper and better understanding of the English language!
Older siblings who could already read showed a real interest in helping their younger brother or sister learn to read, and in the process, developed stronger reading skills themselves.
Children who were behind with poor reading skills were reading at grade level after completing our program.
The parents developed a real respect and appreciation for their child's amazing ability to learn and assimilate new information.

My thoughts:
All my sons are older than the target audience for this program, however it is benefitting my 6 year old anyway. When my firstborn was a baby, I spent so much time with him singing and reading and one of the things I liked to do with him is go through the alphabet in sounds and not the letter names. I was doing this all the time with him and my son started reading at 3 but was finishing books at 4. I didn't have this program to help me out and I hadn't tried any others but I knew something I was doing was working well and it paid off because all of his teachers have told me that he can read anything. The only reason he has a capped score is because it is the highest they give. I'm not telling you this in a gloating manner but because while I was looking over this program, it implements a lot of the same things I did with my own son that I know to work.
Teaching your child to read at a young age doesn't just open the door for imagination and learning facts but it opens a whole new way of thinking and processing as well. Kids learn how to treat others better because they can understand empathy more and how things work. They have more of a "mathematical" sense of learning where they process things "outside the box" and seem more mature. I agree with Jim and his family that it is incredibly important to teach your child to read young. I had a lot more time with my firstborn than with my youngest (go figure) and I have seen such a difference. I feel that I have hindered my youngest from his full potential because he is just as smart as his brother but didn't get the tools as early and is slightly behind because of it. He reads but still can't read alone and he is 6. This program helps me with time because it has lessons planned right out. I can tackle one before dinner or complete a couple over the weekend. It's always easier with a plan so now I can get him caught up and it has already helped him where sounding words out are concerned.
In conclusion:
I highly recommend this program because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt (first hand proof) that the techniques that are used are extremely effective. I used very similar techniques with my 8 year old and he was fluently reading at 4 years old.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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