Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Starbucks.. how dare you!

I have become a lot more outgoing lately and tend to speak my mind even more than I used to ever do .. which was enough, but I have to go on a little vent here. We have been changing into a world where everything has to be PC and no one can be offended at all ..but yet we are offended over everything little thing. We have no backbone and the "all inclusive" movement is making it so no one feels included. That being said... there are times where christian activists make me mad! Now, I don't like Starbucks. They are too expensive and I don't like the taste. I lied.. I like the caramel macchiato. Anyway, but this whole red cup thing is insane! Just like the greeting of Merry Christmas, this change of color is supposed to make you feel warm for the holidays. It is a well wishing and festive dressing whether there is a reindeer, dove, cross or tree, it is meant to be a subtle holiday dressing for their cups.

What is a movement on the "outrage" of taking Christ out of Christmas... which is a stretch here by the way, going to do for you besides leave more of a bad taste in people's mouth about Christians? I am begging you to stop! We have enough as Christians to defend in love, do we really need to fight unimportant battles on what color the paper cups are at Starbucks??! On a regular basis I defend Christianity. I am not crazy, yes I do believe there is ONE God, no I don't think it's weird to praise God in church and I do find church important. It's my fuel for the week. I need it to get through. I think God would look at this movement with irritation not pride with his believers that are participating. When we can't look at the whole picture and see that we are arguing something so irrelevant but it's changing how people perceive the faith... then motives as to why we are arguing come into play. I have a saying that I will make a image for to share here shortly..but for the church I go to I tell people that we will not Bible thump you, we love our faith way too much to turn you away from it. This should be the case with all Christians. Stop turning people away from us and our faith! Care more about how your behavior and being a light than about the number of views your sharing gets. I like the red cups.

 The opinions in this post are 100% my own and may differ from yours.


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